Anisah Afifah's Weblog

Archive for the ‘craft’ Category

On 4th December 2010, I made a person out of things that can be recycled. I named my box person Tifed.

To make a box person, you will need:

  • A box with the height about 10 centimeter long – box A
  • 2 boxes with the height about 8 centimeter long – box B and box C
  • A small circular paper
  • A pencil or a pen
  • Tape or glue
  • Scissors
  • OPTIONAL : Another rectangular paper that fits enough to wrap the 10 centimeter box

 The steps are:

  1. First cut box B into halves
  2. Secondly paste the two halves to the sides of box A for the hands
  3. Next cut box C into halves and paste the halves under box A for the legs
  4. Next paste the the circular paper inside but the paper needs to pop up for the head. Draw a pair of eyes and mouth
  5. Finally wrap the rectangular paper around box A as a shirt

A few days ago, my little brother, Ali made a chick without legs and named it Chicky. He finishes the chick on the night of the 22nd July .

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